I work with B2B manufacturers who are tired of broken or dysfunctional supply chains.

With FEI Company my Supply Improvement Program (SIP) achieved a 73.7% reduction of supply chain disruptions (late deliveries, poor quality, short reliability) resulting in millions back to the business’s bottom line.

My focus is on operational excellence in manufacturing and the supply chain. 

To create and enable a smooth-running cohesive system that continually increases effectiveness and efficiency by;

  • Monitor each supply chain component for Quality, OTD, Disruption, and Cost with actionable feedback to your suppliers.

  • Digitize all your manufacturing documents to enable easy retrieval, control, updates (to maintain relevance), and sharing.

Quality TLC

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Use technology as a force multiplier to automate programs with tools anyone can use quickly and effectively.

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Improve your product quality by working each SiPoC value chain link. A chain is only as strong as the weakest link.

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Identify the highest risks to customer satisfaction and business profitability. Prioritize issues in your value chain and resolve.

Why Choose Quality TLC?


Custom Solutions

Our mission is to provide you with tools, and the knowledge to use them, enabling the reduction of your organization’s pain-points. Results are achieved with problem identification and resolution, automating your business’s repetitive and time-consuming tasks, and knowledge management.

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Your Time is Valuable

With our business applications, your time spent implementing solutions and realizing results is greatly reduced. Thus, leaving you more time to focus on the other responsibilities required to maintain your business.

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Streamline Applications

We support process, product, and program owners with easy to use custom-designed applications. Applications that streamline data collection, monitoring, actions, reporting, and communicating business performance metrics that work seamlessly with your common office products.


Don’t Just Take My Word For It

See What Others Have To Say


“Carl is simply the most knowledgeable quality expert I have had the pleasure of working with. He is proactive and responsive, as well clearly shows to have the sincere interest of all stakeholders at heart.”

— Greg O, Sourcing Manager


“Carl has built up a wealth of experience and he is able to create a system from scratch. His common sense can differentiate between the urgent and important things, which becomes very handy when you need a visionary person. But he is also a great guy to work with.”

— Paul F, Manager Procurement Raw Material

“Carl has been effective at coordinating and reviewing technical and administrative issues with a practical, open-minded, fair, and results-driven perspective.”

— Paul L, Director of Quality and Regulatory


“Carl was extremely professional and helped develop comprehensive plans to drive continuous improvement across all toolsets with data-driven solutions that resulted in significant improvement in tool performance.”

- Don F., Sr. Commodity/Sourcing Manager

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